Thank you for choosing Inland Empire Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons for your treatment. The following instructions are for patients who are receiving IV sedation. Our goal is to ensure you are prepared and have a pleasant experience at our office. 

The Night Before for Surgery/Procedure

  • If possible, drink 12-24oz of water prior to midnight
    • Hydration helps reduce nausea and vomiting while also reducing the body’s stress response to surgery. 
    • Hydration makes it easier for IV placement
  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight. This includes water. This will potentially avoid a life threatening complication from vomiting under sedation. 
  • Management of medications
    • If asthmatic, bring your inhaler. 
    • If diabetic, hold all medications. Use only ½ dose of long-acting insulin (detemir, glargine) on the morning of surgery. 
    • Diabetics on insulin
      • Take ½ dose of your evening long acting insulin (lantus)
      • Skip your morning dose of short acting insulin
  • Antibiotic prophylaxis
    • Prosthetic heart valve, infective endocarditis, unrepaired heart defect
    • No prophylaxis is required for joint replacement unless otherwise instructed by your orthopedic surgeon.
  • Take all your other normal prescribed medications with a sip of water. 

Surgery Day

  • You must be accompanied by a driver. This cannot be an Uber or rideshare driver. As a reminder, the driver is required to stay in the lobby or parking lot during the entire duration of the procedure.
  • REMINDER: Do NOT drink any liquids (including water) before surgery –only exception are small sips of water with prescribed medication
  • Do not wear lipstick, excessive makeup, or nail polish on the day of surgery.
  • Brush your teeth prior to your appointment but do not swallow any water
  • Wear loose fitting clothes. 
    • If sleeves present, allow for them to be rolled up past the elbow. 
    • If wearing a sweater, please make sure to wear a t-shirt underneath
  • Contact lens, jewelry and dentures need to be removed at the time of surgery. Do not use any adhesives on dentures. 
  • If you have illness such as a cold, fever, sore throat or upset stomach, please notify our office as soon as possible.

Upon Arrival

  • Check in at our front office. We ask that you arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the appointment. 
  • Turn off or leave your phone and other valuables with your driver. 

Medication Adjustment Prior to Surgery

  • If asthmatic, please bring your inhaler. 
  • If diabetic:
    •  Hold all morning medications
    • Adjust long-lasting insulin by half the night before